June/July Class Dates
Taking interest for the following class dates:
Saturday 17 June
Saturday 24 June
Saturday 1 July
Saturday 8 July
1:00pm-3:30pm (sometimes we go may go over to 4pm)
Dates yet to be confirmed and may change.
Classes are held in Moonshine Valley in a lovely rural setting. The cost of my class series is $550.

October/November Class Dates
Class dates are yet to be determined for the end of the year. Please get in touch if you would like to be added to my waitlist.

August Class Dates - Full
Saturday 7 August @ 10am-1pm
Saturday 14 August @ 10am-1pm
Saturday 21 August @ 10am-4pm (Full Day)
Back-up dates are Saturday 28 August and 4 September and if needed will be mutually agreed upon.
The classes are held in Moonshine Valley, in a lovely rural setting.

June/July Class Dates 2021
Saturday 26 June @ 10am
Saturday 3 July @ 10am
Saturday 10 July @ 10am
Break for the weekend of 17/18 July
Saturday 24 July @ 10am
The classes are held in Moonshine Valley in a lovely rural setting.

May/June Class Dates
Saturday 22 May @ 10am
Saturday 29 May @ 10am
Saturday 5 June @ 10am
Saturday 12 June @ 10am
Please also book out Saturday 19 June as a back-up date as I may be asked to be on-call for a birth over this time.
The classes are held in Moonshine Valley in a lovely rural setting. The cost of the class series is $480.
This class series is now full.

March/April Class Dates
Saturday 20 March @ 10am
Saturday 27 March @ 10am
Break for Easter Weekend
Saturday 10 April @ 10am
Saturday 17 April @ 10am
This class series is now full. Please get in touch for alternative possibilities around this time.

January/February Class Dates
Saturday 30 January @ 1pm
Break for Waitangi Weekend
Saturday 13 February @ 1pm
Saturday 20 February @ 1pm
Saturday 27 February @ 1pm
Please note: 6 March is a back-up date as I am on call to support a couple as their doula.
This class series is now full. Please get in touch for alternative possibilities around this time.

Special One Day Class - October
This class I will cover all the essential components for Hypnobirthing. You may have found me a little later and discovered the group class to suit you is now full or you are simply further along in your pregnancy when you heard about me. You may attend with your birthing partner or on your own. If this date does not suit you but you would like to explore this option further, please also get in touch to see what can be arranged.
The cost for a day with me is $330 including my recordings and my comprehensive booklet.
Fully booked.

October/November Class Dates
Saturday 17 October @ 1pm
Break for Labour Weekend
Saturday 31 October @ 1pm
Saturday 7 November @ 1pm
Saturday 14 November @ 1pm
These classes are full.

Special One Day Class - September
This class I will cover all the essential components for Hypnobirthing. You may have found me a little later and discovered the group class to suit you is now full or you are simply further along in your pregnancy when you heard about me. You may attend with your birthing partner or on your own. If this date does not suit you but you would like to explore this option further, please also get in touch to see what can be arranged.
The cost for a day with me is $330 including my recordings and my comprehensive booklet.
This class is now full.

September Class Dates
Saturday 5 September (due to Father’s Day)
Sunday 13 September
Sunday 20 September
Sunday 27 September
These dates are now full. Please email to be placed on waitlist or to see if other options can be arranged.

July/August Class Dates
Sunday 26 July
Sunday 2 August
Sunday 9 August
Sunday 16 August
Classes are held in Moonshine Valley in a lovely rural setting.
These dates are now full. Please email to be placed on waitlist or to see if other options can be arranged.

Next Available Class Dates
Saturday 30 May
Sunday 7 June
Sunday 14 June
Sunday 21 June
Commencing at 1pm and finishing at approximately 3:30pm each week.
Classes are based in Moonshine Valley, 10 mins from SH58 on the Haywards near Judgeford in a lovely rural setting.
The cost of the classes is $480