Relax deeply; trust your instincts; connect with your baby and have faith knowing your body is designed to give birth.
Hello - you have found me.
It is great that you have navigated your way to my page. I will take a wild guess and wonder if you may have had that little second blue line appear; you have found your LMC; you are working through the trials of morning sickness, or perhaps you have already made your way through that milestone in your pregnancy; your list of baby names has begun, the baby gear is starting to fill up the future bedroom of this little person and now you are beginning to think about how you are going to actually birth this baby.
You may have heard all the “not so nice” birth stories from well-intentioned family members and friends; seen the dramatised media stories that may have you a little anxious but still there is a little voice in your head that is saying “can it be better for me”? Are you dreaming of having a beautiful, calm birth and making the best memories you can for your special Birth Day?
You may have also landed here for your second or subsequent birth and be thinking what is “Hypnobirthing”? Why didn’t I already know about it and how can it help? Perhaps you know someone who has experienced a Hypnobirth and has been telling you to "check me out" and now you are more than a little bit curious. However, you found me; I am so glad you did.
Hypnobirthing is rewarding for every Mum, no matter how many births she has had – it enables you to add more layers to your own knowledge and if necessary, release any fears or trauma that you may have gathered along the way.
You have definitely come across the right place. Hypnobirthing is like my own little baby and I would love to share everything I know with you. Make yourself a cuppa and have a browse and don’t hesitate to get in contact with me.
So lets's find our how you can relax deeply, trust your instincts, gather the techniques and a positive mindset to have the best possible Birth day for you and your baby.
So what is Hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is a beautiful birth preparation including self-hypnosis, deep relaxation, special breathing techniques, visualisations, affirmations and childbirth education. It gives you an indepth understanding of what happens during your baby’s birth. Hypnobirthing returns to a woman the art of birthing in a way that allows her to call upon her own natural birthing instincts and to birth her baby in safety and with ease.
It is about Mum's, their birthing partners and their baby.
I will provide you with lots of techniques and tools to enable you to make informed decisions around your pregnancy and birth so that you feel calm and confident.
Is Hypnobirthing for You?
Yes, Hypnobirthing is for everyone. The word "hypno" may conjur up in your mind some whoo hoo stuff or being unable to control what you do or you may think you will do something silly during hypnosis. You may be thinking will it really work? Do I trust this?
We all experience hypnosis every day and I will cover this in our classes. You are fully in control and aware of what is happening around you and what you choose to accept.
Hypnobirthing is for everyone. Everyone from first time Mums to Mums planning a VBAC and those who have a planned induction or C-Section (or what I call a Belly-Birth). You can use the techniques I teach for any path your birth may take.